Category: Animals

Animals Cute

James Blackwood the Raccoon Whisperer

As many of us know all too well, sometimes the company of animals is preferable to that of people. Usually, when we say this, we’re referring to our dogs or cats. However, James Blackwood has taken it to a slightly different place. Blackwood has made friends with the local raccoon …
Animals Cute Funny

Dogs Throwing Tantrums

Ok – any one of us has owned a dog knows the truth: they’re all nothing but big babies! This video proves it. I can’t help but laugh every time my dog throws a random tantrum, so this compilation of dogs doing just that had me rolling on the floor. …
Animals Cute

Whisper The Stoat Kit’s Rescue Story

You may have never heard of a Stoat before, but you’ve surely heard of a Weasel. Well, although they’re different Stoats and Weasels share many physical characteristics. You can tell a Stoat from a Weasel from the way the hair on its belly meets the hair on its back. On …